Human Sex Trafficking

The Victims


Human trafficking has a tremendous psychological impact on its victims as a result of the manipulation, abuse, and cultural shock experienced when forced to work a less than desirable job in a foreign country. These effects are most prominent in women and children trafficked into the commercial sex industry, and commonly involve depression, anxiety, post-traumatic stress disorder, and substance abuse . Such psychological symptoms not only make it difficult for trafficking victims to live their daily lives, but create a significant barrier for reintegration into society, as well.

A medical study of woman and girls entering care after having been trafficked found that:

-95% reported physical and/or sexual violence.
-56% suffered post-traumatic stress disorder.
-57% had 12-23 concurrent physical health problems.
-60% suffered pelvic pain, vaginal discharge and gynaecological infection.
-38% had suicidal thoughts, 95% depression most showing little reduction after 90 days in care.

Putting A Price on Virginity

Male clients from Japan, China, Korea, and Taiwan drive the demand for young girls who are virgins. In these Asian cultures, sex with a virgin is thought to bring good luck to a new business venture. Moreover, virgin girls pose less threat of exposure to sexually transmitted disease:

The profitable market in virgins tempts parents to sell their preadolescent daughters to a brothel for a high price. It’s a business: a john may pay $750 for one night with a young girl, and one week later that same girl may be seeing ten clients a night for $2.50 a session. 
A growing number of parents market their daughter’s virginity, selling her to the highest bidder for a one-time sexual experience once she reaches the age of twelve or thirteen.

Though much less common, Japanese and Chinese men are known to pay parents years in advance to sponsor a young child. The families receive a regular payment to raise a healthy daughter, and when the sponsor is ready, he will come and use her for sex.